Thursday, September 9, 2010

And then I began to realize how HUGE Tokyo is...

Not really though, as it's only day three--- and meandering through 12 million people (apparently) takes time. Even more time, when activities such as observing temples, drinking beers riverside, and eating ramen continually present themselves.

 Zoom in on my big girl day.

Let me reiterate: Tokyo is huge. I'm staying in a *fairly centralized neighborhood, and it still takes over an hour of train-hoping to get anywhere. Each morning consists of modest 'To-Do-Today' list making-- yet once out and about, it all essentially goes to shit. Yesterday we made it to the Taito district, and barely checked out the temples of Asakusa before we needed a) food b) beer and c) a reapplication of SPF 70. Sensoji--- Tokyo's largest Buddhist Temple is pretty incredible. According to legend, in 628 two brothers built a statue of Kannon (the goddess of mercy). While they returned the statue back into the river, it always returned to them. Thus, Sensoji was built--- completed in the year 645.

Too nerdy? Bored?

Well eventually we ditched tourist central for a couple Sapporo's riverside, and inevitably found ourselves watching street musicians in Ueno Park. Not sure how it happened, but suddenly it was dinner time. ie: Ramen time.

In short, the best fucking meal I've had in... ever? A $6 bowl of garlicy, noodly, vegetabley AMAZINGNESS. So good, that I just intentionally made up 4 nonexistent adjectives. Wait, 3 nonexistent adjectives, and one nonexistent noun. Is that right? Whatever, it's a million degrees out, and I'm hungry. Again.

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